Dental Hygiene

Brenda, what is proper dental hygiene?

Proper dental hygiene really consists of brushing twice a day every morning and every night and flossing daily.

What can happen if I don't practice good dental hygiene?

If we don't practice good dental hygiene, you can develop bad breath, you can develop cavities, and long term you can actually lose your teeth.

What are the main duties of a dental hygienist?

The main duty of a dental hygienist is really to individualize home care for each patient, to discuss what individual patients need and what will work best for their dental hygiene care.

What is involved in a dental cleaning?

Dental cleanings are super easy. We first take a look at all of your oral tissues, make sure everything is looking good. We'll check for cavities. We'll do a gum check to make sure the bone and the supporting structures are all healthy. We'll get you cleaned up and looking good.

What kind of tools does a dental hygienist use?

For dental cleanings, we use a variety of instruments that are specific for each patient.

Does a hygienist teeth cleaning usually hurt?

A routine dental cleaning does not usually involve any discomfort at all.

How long should a typical dental cleaning take?

A routine dental cleaning lasts about 40 minutes, but sometimes it's quicker, sometimes it takes a little longer. It's just individualized.

Why is a deep cleaning by a dental hygienist necessary?

Deep cleanings are sometimes required because there is bone loss involved and we need to get underneath the gums and remove the bacteria and plaque from the root surface of the tooth to prevent further bone loss and ultimately tooth loss.

Is it necessary to do anything after a dental cleaning?

Following a routine dental cleaning, there's no specific needs other than maintaining good home care with your brushing twice a day and flossing.

How should I schedule a dental hygiene appointment?

To schedule a cleaning appointment with us, it's super easy, just give the office a call and the ladies will get you scheduled.

If you have any other ones, feel free to give our office a call. Our number is (586) 800-2250. Look forward to seeing you!

Why is dental hygiene so important?

Dental hygiene is crucial for our overall health. It's not just about our teeth, but also about keeping inflammation and bacteria levels down throughout our whole body. It also helps keep our heart healthy.

What can happen to my teeth and overall health if I don't practice good hygiene?

If you don't practice good hygiene, you may develop gingivitis or, sadly, periodontitis, which is bone loss. Also, your overall health can decline.

What are the most important components of good dental hygiene programs?

The most important components are making your teeth a priority, brushing twice a day, using an electric toothbrush, and flossing at least once a day. Some people may require more flossing, especially if they're more prone to decay.

How often should I have a dental exam in cleaning?

You should have at least two dental cleanings and exams a year. However, your professional team, your dentist, your hygienist, may ask for you to come in three or four times a year, depending on your individual needs. If your periodontal pockets are deeper, you may require more than twice a year.

What does the dentist and hygienist do at a teeth cleaning appointment? How long is a typical dental hygiene appointment?

A typical dental appointment is personalized for each patient and usually takes less than an hour. This includes diagnosing, the dentist, hygienist, and scheduling your next appointment.

How does a dental hygienist ensure that a dental cleaning isn't painful?

As a dental hygienist, our goals are to provide the best care in the most comfortable way. We always ask if you have any sensitive areas. If you do, we apply a topical treatment. We genuinely care for our patients and their comfort.

Will my teeth be more sensitive following a dental cleaning?

Most patients feel better after their cleaning because the tartar, otherwise known as calculus, is removed, and their tissues can breathe easier.

How can I practice good dental hygiene at home?

You can practice great dental hygiene at home by using an electric toothbrush, like the Oral-B, twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Also, use mouth rinses to disrupt bacteria.

How should I schedule an appointment?

You can call our friendly office staff at Bailey Dental Group. Our front office team will help you schedule an appointment. The number is (586) 800-2250. We are here for you.